Autodesk’s puts the
“Outcomes Framework”
to work for customers.
Helping organizations big and small use Autodesk to build their business.

Autodesk’s puts the
“Outcomes Framework”
to work for customers.
Transforming Use Cases to Empower Businesses

Collaborative Tool:
Solution Adoption Advisor
Autodesk, as a 42 year old tech company, has, MOUNTAINS of data about customers and how they use Autodesk products. Over the years Autodesk has applied the ‘Outcomes Framework’ to analyze this data and understand how different business challenges can be helped with different techniques, processes, and yes, Autodesk products. That data was so good, that it could help any company get better, and learn from the best. But unlock that insight, a visual tool would be needed for customers to sift through the data for meaning and insights.
Together with Autodesk’s industry-leading customer experience team, we created the Solution Adoption Advisor, a Web portal for customers and partners to explore the framework, build their plan, and improve their business.
The project grew and grew, using the latest in infinite scroll interfaces and powered by a robust data model that adapts to customer needs. Over time we unlocked the power of adjacent Autodesk teams, with integrations into Airtable and Contentful repositories.
Today, SAA is a public facing Autodesk property for anyone to use and explore. And it all started with an email and an idea…

1. The Outcomes Framework had potential, but lacked visualization
2. Internal databases were inaccessible and hard to navigate even if you did get access
3. Different Autodesk teams each had part of the answer, but data was stuck in solo’d systems
1. Respect the framework and the data
2. Value should unfold over time - start small and gain trust
3. Be ready to scale - don’t overbuild to start, but once we get ignition, its time to go big!
1. Modern, javascript based infinite scrolling visualizations
2. Integrate with multiple data sources and stay in synch
3. Product step by step, easy to use and to understand
Steering the team through the Product from a Database Transformation

Success Plan: Step-
by-step Guidance
for the team
Screen by steps that guides the team from where to start depending on the plan preferences. It is organized into different topics with its own process to work on. And this is based on the Industry the User selects, the area of focus and the goals they want to achieve.
Screen by steps that guides the team from where to start depending on the plan preferences. It is organized into different topics with its own process to work on. And this is based on the Industry the User selects, the area of focus and the goals they want to achieve.

"The thing that most impressed me was Germinate’s range. One moment we were discussing executive-level outcome models and the next we were right in the code, making the connections to light it all up.”
Robert Adam,
Program Manager